A recent client, Penni Warner, bravely stepped into a new creative role to record for the first time. With her newfound confidence, she writes to share some tips on making the transition yourself, and making the best of it.

1. Ask questions
I met Barry about a year and a half ago through a friend whose music he’d produced. At first I was very intimidated. I was calling New York from Missouri, and this was my first time recording anything, so I was not sure how the process would go. The first time we spoke on the phone, Barry allowed me to ask every question I had. I could tell that he was genuinely interested in helping me make my project just the way I wanted it. And he was always kind when I asked the same question more than once.
2. Find the human connection
Barry did much more than produce my project. In a way, he became a mentor to me. He created an experience that was hands-on for me, even though it was long-distance. We both worked from home; I was able to record at a studio in Missouri, and he hired musicians and recorded them in his home studio. So that I didn’t feel too far away, I sat in on those sessions via FaceTime. I call Barry “the people’s producer” because he is so committed to making the experience meaningful for everyone involved.
3. Stand up for your ideas
I would call Barry often, asking to change things again and again! I remember apologizing, but he assured me that it was his job to see the project through exactly how I wanted it. He didn’t want me to hear something I didn’t like and regret not speaking up. Despite my lack of confidence, he walked me through each step of the process. By being so encouraging, Barry created a truly inspired work. Not only did he produce my project, he brought a creativity out of me that had gone dormant for a very long time.
There is so much to say about Barry that I have not mentioned, but most important is his wonderful personality and dedication, and it was a real pleasure to work with him. I look forward to our next project and I would never dream of going to anyone else. Find someone who understands you, who you enjoy working with. It’s worth it.
To learn more about Penni Warner’s “Love Chaplet” please visit https://www.lovechaplet.com.
Below are 2 songs that Penni wrote with Barry:
- Penni Warner – Lead Vocals
- Barry Hartglass – Electric Guitars, Electric Bass, Synthesizers, Drum Programming, Background Vocals
- Penni Warner – Lead Vocals
- Barry Hartglass – MIDI Programming (Drums, Piano, Irish Low Whistle, Music Box, Strings, Wind), Electric Bass, Soprano Sax, Background Vocals
- Maya Hartglass – Viola
- Noah Hartglass – Trombone
The People’s Producer! I love that.
He truly is and I appreciate his patience with me.