Sound Captivation EP and “RIP Summer” by Baravin

Sound Captivation EP and “RIP Summer” by Baravin

Story by Wesley Orser, one of Barry's former Hofstra University Electronic Music students The work of Andres Virola, a recent high school graduate who has taken composition lessons with Barry for over three years, is finally paying off with the recent release of his first EP, Sound Captivation, and single, "RIP Summer." In the last year since composing "Doomed Paladin," an electronic  piece that he also arranged for his school orchestra, he has started using the FL Studio DAW to create electronic music under the artist name Baravin.What started out as just playing around with the FL app on his phone led Barry to recommend Andres get the computer version, which he ultimately did. His creative approach is somewhat unconventional in that he doesn’t use a MIDI controller and manually…
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“Meditation on Roads Not Taken” by Audible Abstraction

“Meditation on Roads Not Taken” by Audible Abstraction

Barry's Projects, Blog
During the Fall 2017 semester at Hostos Community College, I was grading Exercise 2 (E2), a recording and editing assignment in Introduction to Recording Techniques (DM106).  For this assignment, students were asked to choose a page or two from the syllabus, a technical manual, or a poem and record themselves or someone else reading the text, and then edit any reading errors.  It’s always interesting to see and hear what students choose to record for this assignment.  The first student I graded chose the Robert Frost poem, “The Road Not Taken,” and he did a great job recording himself reading it.  As I began listening to it, unaware of what it was at first, I noticed that it sounded strangely familiar. Coincidentally, a few months prior, one of my piano…
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